Friday, January 24, 2014

Antarctica Day 2

Antarctica Day 2

After a rocking night on the Ocean Nova we came to calm seas between the Shetland Islands and the main continent. We had nice breakfast, the food is quite good on board.

We gathered for a zodiac ride on glass like seas for a short 10 minute ride over to Hydrurga Rocks.  The island was filled with chinstrap penguins and there 3 week old chicks.

The were also Weddell seals (very cute) and fur
seals ( not as cute)

We then took the zodiacs out for some whale watching a found a pod of humpbacks to photograph.  It started to snow so we headed back to the ship.

After lunch we had a presentation on penguins from Wendy our on- board bird specialist.

The evening zodiac exploration was to land on the frozen continent.  We came ashore at Portal Point and climbed a steep incline in ice and snow.  The snow got heavier and we headed out on the zodiacs to explore icebergs. After 20 minutes or so I spotted a mother and calf humpback who were quite content to play around us and giving us unbelievable photo opportunities for 30 minutes

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