Monday, January 27, 2014

Antarctica Day 5

After a delightful barbeque dinner on the top deck last evening everyone was exhausted from the previous days activities so we turned in early.  Mother nature then reinforced why she's in charge. We sailed into a force 10 storm (12 is hurricane winds) and the ship was tossed about all night long and into the morning.

Our morning excursion was therefore cancelled and we just stayed in bed. It was by far the safest place to be because you couldn't barely stand up the was moving through 20-25 ft waves crashing into us.

We did find some shelter and were invited by a Bulgarian research station to come for a visit. The zodiac ride through rough water was unique. Dean got totally soaked by a wave. We spent about an hour touring there facility in 55 mph winds and then headed back to the ship.

Tonight we sail back through the rough water to begin our trip home.  It was an amazing experience , I can't wait to share all my pictures with you all when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. All of these pictures are amazing!!! I'm in love with those adorable penguins. Can't wait to come home and see the slideshow, I'm working on a playlist for it already. Stay safe on the boat!
